Project provides opportunities for the empowerment of women survivors of violence through entrepreneurship
Bulgarian Gender Research Foundation is partner in the project “EASE - Empowering Adult Survivors of domestic violence through Entrepreneurship”, which aims to support survivors of domestic violence in their recovery and professional reintegration through entrepreneurship training and mentoring. It is implemented with the support of the European Commission’s Erasmus+ Programme in the period 2022-2025. The leading partner is Munich Business School (Germany) and the other participants in the consortium are IPAG Business School (France), University of New York in Prague (Czech Republic), Led By HER (France), ThinkYoung (Belgium) and Bulgarian Gender Research Foundation (Bulgaria).
The EASE project is aimed at empowering survivors of domestic violence through entrepreneurship. The development of a training and mentoring programme is underway, which will be implemented from January 2023 also in Bulgaria. It will contribute to developing skills for starting own business and for change in personal and professional plan. It focuses on the individual opportunities and needs of the survivors of domestic violence in three European countries: Czech Republic, Bulgaria and France. The program is developed outside of the academic higher education system and provides opportunities for mentoring. The programme can be implemented across Europe and is an opportunity for higher education institutions to enrich their curricula and to offer new educational perspectives for adults who have graduated from school.
Other project activities include focus groups in Bulgaria, France and the Czech Republic, an international webinar for exchange of experience on the project methodology, which uses focus groups to develop entrepreneurial skills among vulnerable groups (held in July 2022 with over 65 participants), information campaign and project team meetings in the participating countries.
Domestic violence not only has a profound impact on women’s privacy, but has a lasting effect on their daily work, career development and professional self-esteem. Many victims of domestic violence are employed on a part-time basis or part-time work with significantly lower pay than women who are not affected by this problem. This situation has been further aggravated as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic.
Entrepreneurship can play a significant role in helping women achieve financial independence and in helpingthem feeling more confident and integral persons.
Свързани Новини
Граждански апел за мир и ненасилие
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Добри практики, предизвикателства и предложени решения в практическа работа с извършителите в България
#domesticviolence #humanrights #workwithperpetrators
Фондация БЦДИ успешно изпълни проекта “Добри практики, предизвикателства и предложени решения в практическа работа с извършителите в България“, който бе финансиран от Европейската мрежа за работа с извършители на насилие(